What is Breast Implant Removal?
Breast implant removal is a surgical procedure used to remove breast implants from breast augmentation or breast reconstruction patients. Breast implants do not last forever, and should be removed or replaced every 10 or so years.
In some cases, the scar tissue around the implant hardens, causing pain and discomfort. This is one of the most common reasons to undergo breast implant removal surgery.
Some women may have their implants removed because their breasts have changed over time, affecting the implants’ appearance. Age, pregnancy, and breastfeeding can all contribute to changes in the shape, size, and weight of the breasts.
Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Implant Removal?
Breast implant removal surgery may be necessary if you have capsular contracture (hardening of the breast), pain with implants, capsule leaks, or if you no longer want breast implants or wish to replace them. You may be a good candidate for breast implant removal if:
- You are physically healthy and at a stable weight
- You do not smoke
- You are bothered by the look of your implants
- You have experience pain and discomfort
- You feel your breasts are too heavy
- You feel your breast scar tissue hardening or tightening
- Imaging suggests a leak or rupture of implants
- You have Allergan textured implants that have undergone physical changes
- You are experiencing multiple systemic issues for which there is no clear explanation
What to Expect During a Breast Implant Removal Consultation in New Jersey
During your initial consultation, Dr. Spiro will assess the current condition of your breasts. If your implants need to be removed for a medical reason, it is important to bring up any symptoms you’ve been experiencing.
You should come to your breast implant removal consultation prepared to discuss the following:
- Your surgical goals
- Past or present medical conditions
- Current medications and drug allergies
- Previous surgeries
Dr. Spiro will also evaluate your general health status and any preexisting health conditions or risk factors, as well as:
- Examine your breasts
- Take photographs
- Discuss your surgical options
- Recommend a course of treatment
- Discuss likely outcomes and any risks or potential complications
Breast Implant Removal Cost
The cost of breast implant removal surgery will be discussed at your consultation at our office in New Jersey. During your consultation, Dr. Spiro will give you an estimated quote based on your specific needs. Spiro Plastic Surgery offers financing options to help pay for the procedure in instances where health insurance does not cover it.
Breast implant removal costs may include:
- Surgeon’s fee
- Hospital or surgical facility costs
- Necessary medical tests
- Anesthesia fees
- Medical prescriptions
- Post-surgical garments
Breast Implant Removal Risks & Safety
The decision to have breast implant removal surgery is entirely personal and depends on a variety of factors, including your overall health, if the implant is leaking, or if the implant has ruptured. Dr. Spiro will explain in detail the risks associated with surgery which include, but are not limited to:
- Prolonged swelling
- Anesthesia risks
- Asymmetry
- Bleeding
- Infection
- Scarring
- Skin discoloration
- Fluid accumulation (seroma)
- Tissue loss, necrosis
It is important to address any questions or concerns directly with Dr. Spiro and his team during your initial consultation.
How to Prepare for Breast Implant Removal
Thorough preparation is essential to achieve a safe and effective recovery after breast implant removal surgery. You will receive preoperative instructions from Dr. Spiro and his team to ensure everything goes smoothly. To prepare for your breast implant removal, you may be asked to do the following:
- Get lab testing or a medical evaluation
- Take medications as prescribed
- Stop smoking, vaping, THC and CBD use six weeks prior to surgery
- Avoid taking aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs
- Make driving arrangements to and from the surgical center
How Does Breast Implant Removal Work?
During your breast implant removal surgery, Dr. Spiro will make an incision along the lower (inframammary) fold of your breast or around or below the areola. Depending on the reason for surgery, Dr. Spiro may only remove the implants or the implants and tissue capsules, using a combination of techniques. Sutures, skin adhesives, tapes, or clips will be used to close the skin.
Breast Implant Removal Recovery
Following breast implant removal surgery, gauze dressings or bandages will be applied to the surgical site(s), and you may have drains. You will also be placed in a support bra or compression garment to minimize swelling while you heal. It’s normal to have some pain, swelling, and discomfort shortly after the procedure. Dr. Spiro will provide you with postoperative instructions, including:
- How to care for your incisions
- Medications to apply or take orally
- Specific concerns to look out for at the surgical site(s)
- When to schedule a follow-up appointment
Dr. Spiro will inform you when it’s appropriate to resume normal activities. It’s important to avoid bending, heavy lifting, and any strenuous activity or exercise during your recovery period. If you do not have a physically demanding job, you should be able to go back to work after a week.
Breast Implant Removal Results
Your breast implant removal will produce a different shape of the breast profile, which will be flatter or droopier than before surgery. There may also be irregularities and/or indentations. The breasts can take on a new shape with indentations based on the amount of scar tissue produced around your implants.
The results of breast implant removal will largely depend on the size of the implants being removed and the quantity and quality of the remaining breast tissue. Initially, there will be swelling, so you may not see the final results for several weeks to a year after your procedure. Breast implants that were placed over the muscle and are hard typically lead to more hollowness after removal.
Breast Implant Removal Combined with Breast Lifting or Fat Grafting
A limited version of “auto augmentation breast lift” or fat grafting can be combined with implant removal in certain cases.
Breast Implant Removal Before and After
Check out before and after photos of breast implant removals performed by Dr. Spiro to see patients’ amazing transformations after surgery!
Request a Consultation for Breast Implant Removal with Dr. Spiro
With over 25 years of experience, Dr. Spiro offers breast implant removal surgery for patients to take out or replace existing implants. Our team will work closely with you to create a treatment plan best suited to your unique needs and goals. We proudly serve those in the New York/New Jersey metropolitan area and across the world! If you think breast implant removal is right for you, contact Spiro Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation today!